Monday, January 31, 2011

The Bestmarvel Legends

what I need to get rid of mal ...

that especially on a brigitte
contest is where I participate, have probably already noticed some. What I have noticed that with the slogan advertises ala 'all vote for us, or come back jana ... NEN has the blog ... that's unfair ... etc pp. which I think is bad because I tell you now.
a . I personally would never come to the thoughts of other people make particularly bad, so I'm better vote there for a couple of stupid.
2. I was the 15th 15 people in because I get so many votes. that's just not true. and even now I have only 4% of the vote.
3. If we are the many teilnehmberbilder on the fanpage brigitte committed and then compares how many great pictures have not made it and how many out of focus images on which you can see not even one outfit, then you realize that it was all about who the Most Facebook friends, has has been begging on penetrating, most View active forums and has not at all about how the photo looks like at all. why is this better?
4. I think it's unfair to treat me from the front absolutely nothing. I have taken great pains me, getting a matching outfit and make beautiful pictures. why I deserve no vote? because I have a blog?
you find this plausible?
I think I deserve it just to get votes as others, like if my outfit. and if you do not want to vote for me because its a different outfit beautiful place, I think that's perfectly ok. But to say straight away from I do not deserve, no matter what kind of photo I have here, I find it unfair.
ok, I hear complain about now and do not take me to heart. Anyway, here are the way the photos that I have not posted still

Lighting For Bubble Tip Anemone

jeane blush

yesterday was my malena dress by jeane blush on, I've ordered from
. Although it is still quite wrinkled, but well liked. I it must show you very soon worn maybe more convinced then;). Nelly is also a catwalk on video like this, then you can probably imagine it better.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pin Microsoft Bluetooth

lazer beat

I've now watched black swan. I'm probably just expecting too much because he is so hyped. really about ballet dancer psycho-ne, which has hallus. I thought there is still something grand with aha effect. But no, that was really the whole story. naja. many also found him quite well.
dress, cardigan: zara - shoes: akira

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lovemaking For Couples

sunny day

phew, is it cold today . them saw it as warm out of: /. How do you spend on the weekend? I'm going to the cinema and look at black swan. 've heard that should be good.
oh yeah, I'll do here with the way . 30 you can also still participate, simply post a striped shirt. and I'd look like a mega! :)

top, skirt: zara - chain: six

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Do Male Strippers Tie Off

Fine Star 2010 2nd place KiDS course

Where To Buy Liquid Pectin

jungle camp!

as promised, here again the chat. be glad if a few are!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Patrick Ewing Try Out Sneaker

if I had money ...

via topshop via asos

Friday, January 21, 2011

Whats It Like To Be Headscissored

FINE STAR Winner 2010

holiday camp with 19-year tradition convinced FINE STAR jury
In 14 Days Around the World: 80 children with diabetes and their "Doc Milek"

KiDS Course winning the 5,000 Euro 2 Place at the STAR FINE 2010, the Bayer Award for creative children diabetes projects

came after months of negotiations with the insurance company in June last the promise. Four weeks later, could the 8-year-old Niklas his suitcase to pack up and leave for an adventurous trip: In a summer camp in Brandenburg Schlaubetal he sipped tea in London England and was tasting American hot dogs. He made a safari through the Brandenburg "jungle" and sat around the campfire as the Indians. He listened intently to the stories creepy vampire from Transylvania and enjoyed swimming in the summer as in the Brazilian Copacabana. Together with 79 other children, Michael discovered the world in 14 days. The goal of his imaginative journey around the globe was the realization that "I can go across borders and create everything" - in spite of diabetes in the luggage.

Doc Milek and the "Company" KiDS
course organized for 19 years, the diabetologist Dr. Karsten Milek the KiDS-course, a two-week summer camp for 80 children and adolescents with diabetes. The idea comes from the days of East Germany, were as holiday camps for chronically ill children have a natural capacity of the health insurance. After the turn of the then Health Minister Regine Hildebrandt was to continue one of the camps and found in 1992 in the then assistant physician Milek a committed supporters. But in order to obtain the "Company" KiDS course on life, this had to overcome many hurdles from the start - and make today for a health insurance a lot of convincing. So take 80 children you must have established the diabetologist plan many details meticulously fill in every year, hundreds of health insurance applications, perform countless calls, write letters and parents courage award. But when it comes to "his" kids are Milek Doc, as he is known in these parts, not on. And because there are still some health insurance for the camp a "socialist experiment" hold, he shares with his wife, carried out the health scientist Dr. Susanne Milewski, even a study that supported the medical benefit. The course is KiDS Karsten Miłek "baby". For children and young people he dealt with each year's new about this mammoth project because, said the father of four children: "They are the most important and most honest group of patients and need our help in managing diabetes. For his commitment to the diabetes care in 2004 was awarded the Order of Merit on ribbon. Now he can look forward to a further assessment: 2010 was the KiDS-course with the second place of the STAR FINE Bayer Prize awarded for creative projects, childhood diabetes and a cash prize of 5,000 €.

"More than 1,500 children have been able to attend the camp and fill up a lot of courage, strength and knowledge for the daily use of the diabetes. The enormous personal commitment, organizational performance and the creativity behind the KiDS Course put, we have inspired, "says Claudia Geis, FINE STAR jury member and director of Bayer Health / Diabetes Care, the decision.

world traveler, Pokemons and Knights meet in the "MedPunkt"
17th July 2010, arriving in the hostel "Bremsdorfer mill in Brandenburg Schlaubetal: After a comprehensive intake interview also says goodbye to Niklas for his parents. For two weeks, the kids aged six to 16 years will be away from home - some for the first time in her life. Many of them have to learn autonomously and independently deal with diabetes. "Not every child is at the beginning enthusiastic about this idea, "said Dr. Karsten Milewski," crack but within several days, we all ". When KiDS course there are rules, compliance with which is the prime duty - especially when it comes to the disciplined adherence to the therapy. It supports and helps the children with a 26-person team of diabetologists, medical educators, diabetes consultants, dieticians and MTA. Your base station is the "MedPunkt" a kind of mobile diabetes clinic. Around the Clock, the counselors are here working around the camp to ensure the medical care that is comparable to a stay in hospital. "Catering to 80 children with diabetes at the same time, is quite a logistical challenge, "said Doc Milek. But this is not all. The program especially games, biking, tours, bonfires, matches and - almost unnoticed - and age-specific diabetes training. While the children learn through play, what's about to be over-and hypoglycemia, are among the great themes like "love, sex and affection" or "diabetes and drugs at a premium. The personal experience of children to exist in the community sporting and personal challenges, combined with intensive medical care - these are the success factors of the KiDS course. Each year the Project with a new creative theme instead. Thus, the children slipped into the world of knights, Indians or Pokemon. They lived in space and under water, celebrated the superstar or the mini-World Cup. Always at hand: Digital Fortress, the little devilish mascot, accompanied the children and young people in the past year - in their "journey" around the world. That each theme with imagination, fun and met a lot of life will make sure the many volunteers, some of whom are themselves former participants. As concerned they always have an open ear for the concerns of large and small kids and are important role models. The children and young people should see that in spite of the disease in every relationship can be successful.

After the course is before the course
Foreign countries, eventful trips and good food - a world tour together welded. And so went the big final party of the Kids in the course last summer, many tears of farewell. No later than the next KiDS course want to meet all again, then the camp on 20 Plays take place. Milewski and Doc? broke down the tents in Schlaubetal side, he again negotiated with health insurance, and fight with them for the young diabetic patients to an age-appropriate training outside the hospital. This 80 kids in 2011 may be as Niklas there when it says: Clear the ring for the "Diabolus Circus - Best of 20 Years Kids" course.

press release and image source: Bayer Vital GmbH, 01.21.2011