change is hard. The David could determine when he moved to Switzerland to study here. At the University of Zurich, he could indeed begin his career choice, comparative linguistics, Romanesque, but are a German the first steps on foreign soil is not just Swiss. The first semester had to settle David to be cautious, get to know the Swiss culture - a period of uncertainty, characterized by unspoken prejudices and aloofness of the Swiss population towards immigrants from the Cantons. "The start was difficult," says David. Particularly in Zurich, where many already live German.
has now arrived, however, the 21-year-old: "If I'm going to Zurich, I go" home "," David says. Meanwhile, it can imagine David even longer stay in Switzerland, than to the end of his studies. This was dependent on the academic career that he would very gladly follow, says David. Especially his mother was proud that David was able to Switzerland to study. Nevertheless, it is sadly time to time that their son had gone out in the wide world. "
Besides, PƤlzischen '(dialect of the Palatinate) David speaks German, French, English, English, Romanian and a little Portuguese. This Romanian his favorite language is': After high school David was a social year in Romania, where he learned the language. He makes a lot of sports, especially like he goes to the gym and run. Also, cycling and cooking have it done to him.
the Swiss people he wants them to develop more genuine self-confidence. Great it is, however, that in Switzerland the "rat race 'is not as pronounced as in Germany. "I can understand that Switzerland, Germany and the Germans perceive as arrogant," says David. However, he can not confirm this and clarified by referring to the diverse nature of Swiss and Germans. The Swiss people would have said David, a much more polite habit, followed by German would have to get used, "I was not directly related to the negative The German media reports raised with. Only when I have discussed it, there was a reaction, "says David. The Swiss people dare not seem to broach the topic of what David finds a shame, but he looks straight in an open dialogue is a great opportunity to improve the co-existence.
For cases when David again the nostalgia for Meisenheim - near Mainz - comes over, he has developed a particular antidote: "I go to the Zurich train station and look at the ICE." This would be him in about six hours carry home. Then he goes now Appenzeller Biberli - sweet medicine - and it go ihm wieder besser. In der Weiten Welt, in Zurich.
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