Monday, July 26, 2010

Getting Out Of Demo Mode On Ps3

Iberians Ittume Inglische-ine Ialektde

Peter Port is the first chairman of the Bern Matteänglisch clubs (with the charming acronym Mäc ). He was on the first night in Biel / Bienne our surprise guest, and told how he Matteänglisch secret language in his school days - learned from his classmates - like his father and grandfather. The following statements are based partly on his stories, partly on the Mäc Book Matteänglisch. History of the mat. Dialect and secret language of Stirling.

mat English was established in Matte district and is based on the dialect, the mat dialect (or mat-Swiss German) - the many are probably already like a secret language to have occurred, but should not be confused with it.

The mat dialect as sociolect

The mat 'meadow' is a special district Berns: It lies in the bend of the river Aare of the water - and more than 30 feet below the rest of the city. Here were formerly located mainly mariners and tradesmen, later also industrial companies and their workers.

position of the mat in Bern - Source: Tschubby (cc-by-sa, edited)

The mat was developed by two conditions, a very separate dialect

  • The shipping and the location of foreign influences brought stonemasons from many languages, including French, Italian, and argot. Many of these elements are also found in other Swiss German dialects (eg pickling ).
  • French: Gutti < couteau 'knife', Peye < payer 'pay', Disser < dix 'numeric'
  • Italian: Garette < Caretto 'trolley'
  • argot: Schpruss 'wood', pickling 'economy', Hach 'man', Moosseli 'woman', Schinagl 'work'
  • The spatial and social separation from the upper town took care of different developments over the city of Bern German.

views Bern's Old Town - Source: Amstuzmarco (cc-by-sa) had

The mat residents a low social status, and was accordingly considered their dialect of others are often as crude and unpolished. Today it exists as no more, the population is not homogeneous and the rest of the city separate social group gone.

A sample sentence from the mat dialect
The Hächu geit with em Kättu i Dähliger ga schprusse
'The man goes with the cart in the Dählhölzli Forest to gather wood'
From dialect to the secret language: Matte English

When Mättuänglisch Matte English 'is a schematic secret language, which probably in the 16th Century was. It is because of their vowel changes, as i - called e language. Berne they probably came via the river cruise, its origins are probably in the Hamburg area.

English as the language name for probably just an incomprehensible language, as Welsch 'Romance languages' in argot. ( Welsch could not use it, French was well known.) An alternative explanation is an allusion the Mattenenge , a street that is rejected by Stirling.

ISDE Indgre-Inzippre 'The basic principle of'

mat differs only in the English vocabulary from the dialect mat, in the grammar, it is the same. The rules for the "translation" into the mat English are therefore quite quickly explained:

  1. You take a word from the mat dialect , for example schpuele 'talk',
  2. it separates after the first vowel: schpu Rear : ele
  3. Lute). is also interesting that advised by the change, the inflections in the word interior: The third person singular of 'sufficient long' is the mat dialect longest t
  4. in Matteänglisch will ng to
  5. i t le . I wonder if this will ever hear the still segmented, or if the person only differentiation is based on the personal pronoun. meet that by converting two of the same vowels, by the way is not a problem:
  6. Ii ZBE > pickling 'economy' if ee > UFE '(back) to'

Indian-Igelnre 'special rules'
For complex words is there a special treatment: They are split into their components and separated in the case by a hyphen. This is quite clear in composites: Kou + steam 'hungry'> Iuke-Impfde maettu + änglisch Matte English '> Ittume-Inglische

Similarly we proceed with prefixes:
VER + Kitsche
  • . This is true even if the prefix is ground down dramatically, as when he afunele 'light'> -inelefe . Suffixes are not separated.
  • articles, prepositions and pronouns do not have to be adjusted, but it can: he > i 'I' ide,
  • >

    you 'you',
    ire >
    he , ive >
    vo 'by'. Complicated

  • 's, when Blend words. According to Stirling, those compounds are treated as one word: wi-
  • n
  • - it
  • 'as is' n> i
    it we , where-
    - mer
    he 'where he' n> i he we , give

    'give me'>
  • ib mer GE . If you look at the example but part of the book, so discover quickly dialogues, where has not been made, for example, at the bottom for e- 'for a'> IrFe not e
  • , e ir fe . So maybe this is optional, but perhaps it is only for certain compounds. Stirnemann lists some words that remain unchanged, so affäng from queen enfin 'finally', difisiu from queen difficile
  • 'difficult',
  • Bandit from it. bandito "because they change by the schematic incomprehensible, even to Mätteler be . "Personally, nothing can excessively incomprehensible to iffänge , ifisiude and Indian tobe discover , maybe there is another explanation.

  • The principles of education for Matte English of course, any to any language used -. so as to serve also the Swiss German as a basis, or as in my headers, High German Genuine Matte English, it is of course not
    Imze Isenle, Irenhe inde Iuensche 'to read, listen and look' . Here is a small Dialogue between two fishermen - the first mat dialect, English and then mat last High German: A: Miggu, geschter han-i Tych e usegschrisse Hecht, hot meat for me ne Ganzi growth. B: U i-ha e Hüt washed at Angu gha, Danish Schpruss lengthens üs-e for all winter.
    Iggume, ischtergi inihe ime view e Ichthe iseeissegschre Irme, iihe Iischfle IrFe ine inzige Ichewe [sic].
    B: U iihe ithe e ish Ighe ime ingu that Issschpre ingtle ise e IrFe inzege Interwe. A: Michel, yesterday I got a (such) Hecht got out of the pond that we have meat for a whole week. B: And I've had a branch on the hook, the wood enough for us for a whole winter. Finally, a short report on Swiss television to the mat English. In the film, a translation program mat into the English speech. A back-translation in the dialect mat is not possible because the first vowel of the output word is always e
    . A few mathematical remarks is available at the

    Additional Links:

    50 years Matteänglisch Club
    in the Bernese Oberland

    Schpuele ir maettu on


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