How can there be an objective "barometer" for such a complex society form? Imply objectively "measurable" parameters, the possibility of democracy imposed from above? Just the contrary to our understanding of democracy ... Also in Switzerland, democracy itself is understood quite differently and lived. For example, there is not always a financial referendum; Neuchâtel knows both active and passive voting rights for Foreigners, but compared to other cantons Schaffhausen often shines through twice as high voter turnout. One should not consider the measure of democracy as timeless unchanging frame of reference: In considering the methodology of the study it means "we define democracy as a political system that continuously redefines and age itself, Depending on ongoing political as well as societal deliberation. " The current standards do not have to be tomorrow. A study in 150 years, would offer little possibility of comparison with today. The Barometer of democracy is nothing more than a benchmark and say no more, not less than a share price.
everyone can under the scale of measurement convincing solution, to numerous studies and surveys by the dozens in some relatively detailed criteria in three groups, "Freedom "," equality "and" control "is based. In the following, I would like to briefly look at some points in a comparison between Switzerland (light blue), France (red) and Germany (green). Where there is no color, the value is "0"!
In this category, Switzerland is well placed, especially as regards freedom Association (left column), freedom of expression, protection the right to property (center column). She gets zero for the transparency of party funding and access to the office of judge at the federa al (right columns). Indeed, the Swiss party funding is secret. And the post of judge at the Federal Court are distributed by the parties, like the seats on the Board Federal. The zero is severe because the party membership does not prevent federal judges to all experts of long experience, lawyers serious and well trained. Why transparency in party financing and professionalism of the Supreme Court fall into the category "freedom" than in "control"? Party funding is also taken into account twice, it also weighs its weight in the next category, that of "equality".
As shown in columns left, Switzerland, it seems, a country less corrupt than France and Germany. And despite the lack of transparency in party finances (next column). Others may say: thanks to her. The columns at the center showed that participation u democratic process is prohibitive Switzerland. Let me point out the complexity of decisions facing the Swiss citizen. Vote on objects as complex as a nuclear power plant or the height of a room municipal sports is not easy. It is true that Switzerland has a problem, it requires a lot, maybe too much to the electorate, or is not doing enough to explain the issues and improve the civic education of citizens. We are surprised that Switzerland minorities are less well represented than in France and Germany. But perhaps this is due to the fact that Germany is inhabited by a people far more homogeneous than Switzerland (inhabited mostly by minorities) and that France has no minorities by definition. Regarding the possibility of direct influence in the political process, they would The best en Suisse et chez nos voisins allemands inexistante (colonnes à droite).
In Switzerland, there is actually no dismissal of the government by the Parliament or vice versa (left column). That is more necessary in an opposition system in which there are no instruments of direct democracy. We have a methodological problem of the cross-comparison in the democracy measure that just do not do all the instruments of control in all contexts of meaning. Certain instruments are mutually dependent each other, make others more redundant, and some are mutually exclusive. It is astonishing that direct-democratic instruments such as the referendum on the study in the category of "equality" were recorded. This is just the referendum one of the most important instruments of control. Include we also need to audit committees and processes such as the consultation process in the legislative process. Bad, Switzerland is in control by the judiciary (weak Constitutional Court), where she is also a "0", good contrast, when trust in government (columns in the middle). Rather, the study does require some explanation, if the balance between Government and Opposition in Switzerland looks better than in D and F, but if this factor termed the "degree of concordance," then it true back from a Swiss perspective. Abroad would be the word "concordance" in the study not well understood. For concordance and confidence in the government fits in Switzerland and the lack of term limits for the Federal Council: This is surprising, more so, that Switzerland is presented with this particular category of the study, the top rating of "100".
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