SUSV Swiss Indoor Championship in
Organised by the Club Immersion Profonde, Lausanne (new member SUSV)
On 7 June 2008, there was wiedermal far. The winter apnea Swiss Championships 2008 were outside the door, it had the year but somehow only just started.
so full of the juice were not the athletes for it. The training motivation during the past week has been limited and the atmosphere was relaxed according to the 20 athletes who met early in the morning at 8 clock in the indoor pool in Lausanne. Tired limbs, dripping noses or the fear of poor performance, some athletes then drove to a forfeit, respectively. for cancellation of individual disciplines. For the organizers, who sacrificed a lot of time, to prepare a professional event on the legs, of course, is always a big disappointment. Especially in some apnea divers from abroad, the participation was denied, because the number of seats was limited. As determined next year will have to be found a new scheme.
The disciplines STATIC (apnea), DYNAMIC WITH FINS (dynamic apnea with fins) and dynamics without fins (dynamic apnea without fins) had to be contested, and already at 9 clock, the first athletes to the briefing by Marcello de Mattheis and on this sunny Saturday Marco Melileo jump into the water. Then we went in quick succession and a 12-minute intervals appeared the Apnoeisten a race. The water was pleasant warm and so were able to achieve most of their target times. Congratulations to all who took on the challenge and gave everything. Exciting it was for women, as the Austrian Birgit Capodiferro cracked the 5 min 30 sec mark, and the spectators held their breath as if about 5 min 40 sec lifted his head and gave the OK sign. As confirmed by the Judge with the white card, the validity of the dive was clapping like crazy. The first competition of Birgit and equal a victory, as Claudia had Rollero, the Swiss champion last year, no chance and could get hold of 5 min 22 sec, only the second rank. Third place in the women Andrea Egger finished with a time of 4 min 44 sec
The men's was more exciting. Fréderic Colombo presented with 5 minutes 18 seconds down a good performance and achieved third place. When you dive from Christian Maldamé stopped all eyes, for the Frenchman (Club Member of the Dauphins Geneva) presented smooth clean but before 7 min. Finally started Nicolas Guerry, last season's world champion in the static immersion. The audience was excited. Nicolas can withstand this pressure? Will he show up clean? The seconds on the clock ticked slowly away, while Nicolas was loose in the water and even at 6 min showed no respiratory stimuli. But when it was difficult and asked for his body for air, he fought masterfully and ultimately equaled its existing Swiss record to 7 min 34 sec .. - A happy Swiss Champion 2008.
began after a short break in the sweltering heat of the indoor pool apnea. The athletes started mixed, depending on preference, first with or without fins. One or other ambition was present and, accordingly, increased nervousness and tension of the divers. Everyone wanted to bring his best performance - in a 25-meter pool with fins in particular are not always an easy thing, but a perfect must be lying down turn in order to be efficient and to do as little oxygen. In the afternoon the time just flew along, a countdown to let the other start the athletes. Everyone pulled under water his tracks appeared on the pool, smiling, tired but with an OK sign to the strict judge. Rarely, there were penalties and now and then a red card, but on the whole it was a clean and competitive sport. Amount
The best performance in the discipline, "Dynamic with fins" Christian Maldamé, who presented a range of 166 meters and so ensured the Swiss Championship. Imagine again: Beck nearly 7 lengths under water. Nicolas Guerry was able to reach the 160 m mark (9 m behind the current Swiss record, held by Peter Colate), thus securing the second Place. In the women claimed the title holder Claudia Rollero, the 150-m personal Best results emerged and increased the Swiss record of the ladies by 5 meters. It lacks only 19 m in order to equalize the men's record!
Dynamic without fins is often considered somewhat neglected, but this discipline is not for everyone and not simply to dive. Probably because it was not trained so hard, the performances of the athletes here were also about average. Christian Maldamé, the French top divers from the Nova Land, presented with a beautiful style 125 m distance and neither Nicolas Guerry by 114 m (2 m behind the Swiss record, also held by Peter Colate) nor the German Martin Legat by 112 m were his target . beat In the women won with Claudia Rollero 82 m before the Germans and the Swiss JEŠTĚD Barbara Andrea Egger, both at 75 meters and touched the wall appeared. have
We thank the Association SUSV, all the hard working organizers, fair judges, brave volunteers, tireless safety divers and fans will visitors who supported this competition and made successful together. We also thank our non-cash prize sponsors who have left the friends and divers wonderfully useful prizes. Congratulations to all Apnoeisten who have fought bravely and many thanks to all divers who arrived especially from abroad, for at this year's Swiss championship in Lausanne have to be present.
Marco Melileo
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