Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dj Hero Xbox 360 Headset


" Regional and Ro mands lazy", that was the end of April 2010 Between title in sight, the noted Swiss-German children would often driven less by their parents to the school. Regional and Romands other hand are more convenient: only half of them are usually way on foot to school, while in German-speaking Switzerland travel up to 80% of the children to school themselves.
were in the same direction in Switzerland, interpreted the clear differences in the vote on the reorganization of the ALV-insurance (see "Swiss info September 26, 2010): There were fundamental differences in mentality. Positive words, the more German-speaking Swiss would take care of one eye approximated budget of the State while the Romands more on solidarity thoughts were. The NZZ correspondent Christophe Buchi said from Lausanne, the "Rösti ditch for unemployment insurance have certainly cultural reasons". On the one hand, he says: "'I work, therefore I am', a bulbous motto is". On the other hand, he comes back to the idea of cultural differences: "In speaking Switzerland, it is more likely than normal to ausreizt the entitlement period for unemployment benefits. So again the idea of convenience.
I myself can only partially to believe these so-called cultural and mentality differences. Often there are in fact grounded in real restrictions, tough constraints as spongy cultural preferences and blurred identity features are portrayed.
Take the example of the comfortable Ticino children being driven to school: If you have been to Ticino on public transport on the road - even for short distances - then you will have noted the limitations and limited nature of the offer. In addition, the District of is fragmented like few others. Alone in the agglomeration of Lugano, there are places of solitude, which are reachable by bus to extremely difficult. The complex lines of the buses has to do with the small area and geographical bottlenecks. Everywhere there are lakes and mountains. Or narrow borders. Thus if we have the right to close down the geography of the laziness?
Also in unemployment has to first think of tough restrictions, not only to diffuse "sensitivities". Where are more unemployed will vote for more social rights.
Some commentators believe that the high health insurance premiums in Western Switzerland, have some of the fees in Geneva hell to do with attitudes. In the fall of 2010 were now - as every year - massive bonuses reported in premiums for 2011, especially in German Switzerland. Reason (see NZZ, September 16, 2010 ) is the fact that health insurance in Romandie - have set higher reserves - especially in Geneva. There is a risk that cross-subsidize by Geneva citizens paid reserves through international transfers, the German-speaking Swiss cantons (see TSR Info ). Some German-speaking Swiss were so a few years profiteers of a development, were among the victims, residents of the country Welsch. Some health insurance companies in the German-speaking Switzerland are said to have moved to the small of reserves on the edge of legality. This example shows that the transfers between the language areas do not always run on one side. Sometimes they even pass the common stereotypes of laziness and convenience completely contradictory.
Thus if we have the courage to take a look to cast behind the set up by semi-informed or clueless windbags cultural prejudices and mentality scenes: We will see more real conditions, restrictions and interests that have nothing to do with preference and should lead us to rethink our preconceptions.

(Immagine: risultato sulla revisione della votazione dell'assicurazione disoccupazione del 26 settembre 2010, della Svizzera tedesca cantoni accettata dai contro una minoranza Tues cantoni Latini e Basilea).

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mount And Blade Skiny

Stay healthy! - Issue September 2010


the KiDS-COURSES was again on TV!

The article was "Stay healthy! - The Magazine of the AOK B & B" at 29 see September at 14:30 h at Tom's. Who's there just did not have time, can look at the excerpt from the show here: View

So, have fun!
your Diabolus

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mario Salieri Latest Movie

television by Ute Mueller-Schlomka

link to the broadcast : ZIBB

topic of the program : Diabetes in children
Type 1 diabetes usually affects children and young people and requires daily insulin injections. It is an autoimmune disease.

classifies In diabetes, the immune system, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas suddenly as dangerous aliens. The immune system fights as long as the cells of the body until they are almost completely destroyed. As a consequence, no insulin is produced. Insulin is a hormone that sugar from the blood filters and feeds the body cells. If the blood sugar level is too high (above 7.5 millimoles per liter) is the "fuel" did not arrive in the body cells. As a result, nerves may die. In the worst case, a sugar shock lead to coma, so that acute life-threatening danger. As causes for the chronic disease Scientists suspect a previous viral infection with measles, mumps and rubella viruses. Genetic factors also play a role. In 10 to 15 percent of all children and young people under 15 with type 1 diabetes mother or father is also diabetic. Type 1 diabetes require lifelong insulin injections and is not to present knowledge curable.

visit to the studio is Dr. Karsten Milewski, a specialist in internal and general medicine, diabetes specialist, a sports physician Doctors for Nutrition and Medicine.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where To Get Elgydium

Monde latin, germanique monde?

La pensée binaire plaît non seulement au folklore, mais encore aux intellectuels. Si la tradition folklorique merely oppositions challenged as little light and night, the raw and the cooked (Levi-Strauss) and so the temptation is great to see the opposition between "east" and "west" cultures "Nordic" and "southern", "Latin" and "Germanic" something more refined, more scientific ... The first option is defended by Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilization". The second variant was theorized in "Man of the south and the man of the North" (1824) of Charles Victor Bonstetten (1745-1832).
The opposition between Latin and Germanic worlds is sometimes invoked to explain the alleged or real intercultural conflicts in Switzerland and Belgium, countries shared purpose by a linguistic border between French (or Italian) and germanophones or Dutch. In this respect, Jacques Neirynck wrote in a delicious historical novel he dedicated to the Belgian case:
"From Dunkirk to Klagenfurt tacking the linguistic border between the Latins and Germans. Its layout follows the thrust of Germanic tribes invading the Empire Roman here fifteen centuries. It is not only the transition between two families of languages, but also a culture change. The way to govern itself as the art of eating differ at all in all, the distance between the instinct of duty on the one hand and the ability to enjoy the other. "

Is this really the case? - I try to think of a linguistic point of view and background: as can be seen in reproduced image thereafter (source: Wikipedia), both Switzerland and Belgium were all part of the Roman Empire, that is to say Latin, before the death of Theodosius in AD 395. From this view, nothing explains the linguistic border that runs through both countries. The substrate is, in both countries, 100% latin.
What about Switzerland? - It also provides a cultural space unified blend of Celtic-Latin substrates which v iennent addition of Germanic superstrate (Alemanni, Burgundians) different. According to the theory of the novel Andres Kristol, the center of Dialectology, University of Neuchâtel, the ultimate linguistic boundary followed the river Reuss (more east than the Sarine between Francophone and germanophones today). This boundary would separate two different areas proto-Romanesque, which gave one day to what is now the Rhaeto and the other produced the Francoprovençal (Evolène survived at Savièse around Gruyères and the valley Aosta), "patois" which is actually the fifth language of Switzerland. The Rhaeto Francoprovençal patois and are far more indigenous than the "good" German Wittenberg, the "good" French of Paris and the "good" Italian in Florence, imported into Switzerland in the modern era, between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. In the seventh century, a traveler heading to Munich Lyonentendait Proto-Rhaeto in Zurich, and proto-Francoprovençal in Geneva. It is possible that he could not see much differences.
Regarding the arrival of Germanic superstrate, it is important to note that most of the Latin world, Lombardy (with the Lombards, "Longobardi"), to Spain (With the Visigoths) through France (with France) was occupied by Germanic peoples and powers who settled permanently in the conquered countries. In the fifth century, almost all the Swiss plateau, with a few fringes occupied by the Alamanni, was under Burgundian government (see image below). Archaeologists are struggling to demonstrate the difference between homes of Alemanni and Burgundians at that time, the two "cultures" (?) Being too close :
"The Burgundian kingdoms, legitimized in 438 or 443, are decentralized and will prevail simultaneously in the Burgundian kings cities that are included. It is likely that an alliance with the kingdom Alaman that supports proximity in the organization of power and cultural syncretism, has allowed expansion joint on the Gallo-Roman after the fall of the Empire. "( art. Wikipedia )
From the perspective of political and cultural history, and point of view of the history of languages, we are all - Belgians and Swiss - the Latin Germanized. A good question for "conflicts" cultural, it amounts to formulating the novel as the difference between (d) s and siblings Germanized Romanized. A good French would say, in the best Gallic minds (!): C'est bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet.

Luke me signals qu'en Belgique, on dit "chou chou vert et vert" voir . Merci Lukas!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Season's Greetings Tex

Bettina - Kaefel in Freiburg

For one that claims to make them except "Kaefel" and friends take anything special, Betty has already made it very much. In the district school, she wrote for the school newspaper, the student body represented at staff meetings and organized a ball and a day of skiing for the whole school. At the same time she became involved should also help to, a homepage, the young people to choose their learning path. If you listen Bettina noted immediately how much she is interested in people and their stories. For her graduation thesis "sex education in changing times" because she has also eleven detailed interviews and a survey done in several high school classes.
studied for a year, they, not yet 20 years old, at the University of Freiburg, Germanic and Latin. Unlike many of her fellow students (note the gender-neutral wording!), It has lost none of their initial motivation, on the contrary. She likes to read, likes to write like the logical Grammar of Latin knobelt, like a long time about to Middle High German texts and find linguistics fascinating. You can with the best will find anything that they do not like. When Betty tells of her studies, her eyes light up. She is not sure yet what she will do later with Germanic and Latin, but she does not worry. "With so much heart and soul must work it somehow," she says with conviction.
Bettina's relaxed way of life enjoyment and confidence are contagious. No wonder that they take a lot of time with "Kaefel and" friends spend "because they can pass it all the more.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nintendo Repair Store In Ca

Dr Armin vo Thun

As Bueb severally dr Armin öpper the mitm Böötli d'n'ab Aare, Thun vo mängisch up to Berne. Any table in the manner s he de Bärner Oberland z'studiere worde he z'längwilig u het six drum entschide, nachemne Ustuschjahr i de USA z'St. Nomes internationalization Involve ga. Ask for me Obwou changed ufd emne Pack Schnuderhudlä "höchschtens ä perplexed look cashed, m guet gfauts Armin i sire Oschtschwizer Wauheimat usgezeichnet. For the usezfinde hets but e length brucht way. füueut six Nachemne Ustuschsemeschtr in Beirut u placements u in Dubai Riyadh umne witere short course in Lebanon, Dr Armin hats in St.Gaue more comfortable.
wini said Dr Armin ischetzä will är during or sim Jus & Oek master and i emne Zuesatzlehrgang business journalism no one dr or adjacent Abstächr Inae do frömdi culture u so sini beidruckendi interkulturelli competence witer Sterk. Bon voyage! (Photo © SJF)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rom Pokemon - Leaf Green (jp)

20th KIDS COURSE "Circus Diabolus"

The 20th KiDS-COURSES is of 16 30 July 2011 Bremsdorf take place. Registrations are now open, places are limited. More information can be found on our website .

-> Registration form: PDF WORD

Ice Cream Hair Dye Removal

Bolz - a langue mélangée in the Basse-Ville of Fribourg

Bolz is a Fribourg in the Basse-Ville spoken version of the highly Sensel Alemannic dialect, which is characterized by many French influences. At the same time there is a French-language version of the bolt, which is characterized by German-speaking dialect influences. There are only very few speakers of the bolt, a few hundred, perhaps. Fränzi core is one of them. Born in 1946, she was among the first children of Fribourg Basse-Ville, who attended a German language class. Yet she was, like most other German-speaking children in Fribourg at the time, parfaitement Bilingue. Nevertheless, she believes that the Fribourg had with the introduction of German classes missed a chance to cohesion. Because instead of connecting the people who created it so two blocks. Himself married to a Welschen she pays for anything the two blocks. It attempts to connect more, about the way the Bolz combines German and French.
went to their school days Freiburg Erin to Zurich for their teacher training. To her surprise, she was there Senslerdeutsch often not understood. They told her if she could not speak for granted. At that time, they adapted their language yet but today it is a bit provocative and can not be put off if people do not understand their dialect at first. Bolz but she speaks only a very few, mostly in the family.
But all the other tells the old town of Freiburg Erin happy about their particular language. At first she was a little surprised about the great interest. For them, Bolz was quite natural. Her first story, "De Foppalmatsch" (the football match), she also wrote for the first suggestion of a friend. "As the interest then was greater still, I had something "Think, tells the Bolzin. were from a history of several, and in the end it was enough for a book: "It Drapùu UESA Faanes manner. While the Joggeli stories inspired by experiences with her Göttibub are, it has completely different thought itself.
Fränzi writes, as she says, her stories are not out of nostalgia or for the preservation of the language, but simply for entertainment. And therefore it also says on the bolts without sadness: "un jour c'est fini."

Jonas and Betty

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long Dong Silver Zippyshare

memories ... Our Travel Diary

Will you once again indulge in memories? Our
are collected travel experiences it as a small book in pdf format for download . The compressed
file is 40 MB in size, please have a little patience. The uncompressed version is it here.

Saturday, July 31, 2010



love world traveler, jungle campers and participants in previous courses and Kids-care treatments, here you can meet you again and share old memories. And room for yours's or simply say thank you is also here.
a great time! Your Diabolus!

Beautiful Agony Login Free

Dr Nadir

Dr Nadir chunt vo Bear. Är het Gschicht u Uni Bear studied sociology ar u create a sim itz sitteme years PhD project about Di Franco-Prussian Bezieige in the 18th Century. I work heig är sinere's sowou with French as ou Dütsch Quälle z'tüe. Tues French Quäue SiGe said lech aui very ähnlech, WHILE Tues Dütsch some ziemli grossi Ungerschide Heige. The vergliiche Choeng mer ou de guet with Huttig situation where s'gsprochnige French e viu höcheri normativity heig from z'Dütsche with au sine verschidnige Dialäkte.

What language aageit my eye, he sig grundsätzlech interested in Wandu. Usage'd sixteenth hüfig i Dialäkt manifeschtiere Schneuer. Ebefaus interesting for him sy d'Zämehäng zwüsche u language policy. Lso heig z'lehre är chürzlech agfange Italian. The aube virtually no sig u bim travel holiday. Tues intaliänischi Gschicht interested but ne ou. Genereu SiGe passive knowledge i öppis most important European language.

Ar Summer Academy heig glehrt är viu nöii thing. He sig zwüsche ou de kultureu Heels u uf d'differance de Dialäkte been sensitized. Sun heig är de vo ou Tues verschidnige Dialäkte prolonged Teilnämer Verlouf in the extortionate wahrnäh angersch afa.

Average Power Bill For 1 Bedroom Apartment

diary entry 31st July 2010 diary entry 30th

(Clicking on picture makes it's big.)

Dear children, dear parents,

it is done, we have our World trip in 14 days made it. On this day we were again returned to Schlaubetal, as in an anthill, it was up to now, your parents and all the other relatives who you have picked up were surprised, not bad, about what experiences you could tell in 2 weeks.
A big thanks to the Group 5, the girls have captured all the stations on our large traditional closing image - and I think it one of the most beautiful pictures of all the years it has become.

80 children are now picked up again, I run through the Youth "Bremsdorfer mill" with a laughing and a crying eye. Suddenly everything is quiet, no one is heard. We are all glad that we on the trip despite all the risks nothing has happened and we are happy, for your behavior on our graduation song has shown us that you have quite liked needs. Sorry we are - because now everything is back again.

At this point, a big thanks to our hosts - are the staff of the hostel. They have also contributed to the success, we are very happy to again set up our home here.
want to end, we also thank the health insurance companies, all those who enabled you to stay here. There is not, of course, the show those children whose parents or grandparents the costs have been included because the insurance company has just issued here, no commitment. We hope that with this course and possibly also with the results from the study (here, all thanks again for the patience) and possibly also by the reports on TV (we will give you timely report of the transmission schedule) can contribute to the Next year, again not so many disappointments, rejections by the cash commitment made.

Now I'm sitting on stage, on which we have named the world star, legendary nightclubs experienced, but have also conducted numerous training sessions. My gaze falls on the football field, which includes two ball fields and handball saw, I imagine our beach, which was sometimes in Brazil or serve as a Nile had, etc. All of these experiences would be impossible without this fantastic team! Every night at 22:30 clock - sometimes much longer than 1 hour - have you evaluated the day and the next planned. Your ideas, your energy and your strength have 19 be KiDS course a very special experience can be. All I want to thank for it. could you have made sure that we look very, very often in the eyes of happy children - our photo CD contains more than 2000 photos, proof enough. Whether blood collection, investigations, curve guidance, BE-treasures, all the interesting training, the daily "Feeding" the many blood sugar levels, especially at night, the documents, buttons, the daily removal of the mails, our course diary (the bare crazy how quickly and affectionately there, our reports have migrated into the network) and much much more ... - all the many tasks you have mastered sensational. ". 14 days with biscuits and juice ..." our song, it expresses thanks to all of you and "Bye - see you next year"

My thoughts go now but the real heroes of this world trip. A personal thanks to you therefore, my "kids" - you have shown that diabetes is not Obstacle must be to the tasks ahead and dangers to overcome on your journey, whether it be on our 14-day trip and in your personal life! I'm sure you pack it! It was fun with you the way to go, perhaps you one way or another to get help to better, even self-mastered everything, our team would be pleased. Right now, I would like to invite you to our 20th KiDS course in 2011, we intend to try to revive the best of 20 years in our Circus diabolus - Best of 20 Years Kids program!

The diary is now closed, our journey is over. , It takes leave of all that were there

your Diabolus

Thursday, July 29, 2010

When Will Tvs Go On Sale For Superbowl?

July 2010 diary entry 29th

Good people, Greenland is supposed to be only a stopover, but was a very special highlight. In the morning, still ran the final examinations, each course was curious if he had now gained about? Then followed for all children to participate in the Kids-course study, and in fact, almost all involved brave.
was of course also be carried out once the knowledge test, the discipline was also astonishing. In the afternoon we realized it yet so slowly the tension, many T-shirts were passed and signatures collected, exchanged phone numbers each, he noted, it is serious. Fortunately, it was not cold, there was no ice in a sandwich. After supper, but started the grand finale:
To get started, and invasion of the jury, the moderator had thought of something special, the dynamic duo Julian and Dominic sang, accompanied by two pretty girls, the opening song - at times in "Greenland". It was then handed over to the stand the protagonist.
Diane and Olli started magnificently with her songs, both were great, with Olli still a little bit more rocked the stage. Joseph had thought up for her own choreography, which impressed all. Finally, Group 3 was dancing - another high point of the evening. Your start further away from the stage was sensational. Now it was up to the jury, to distribute the seats. Very briefly occupied Joseph Platz 4, Diane landed on the bronze place - and the tension grew infinitely. Finally, to the cheers of the group was 3, her fair, really great second Place celebrated our Olli L. voted the World Star 2010! All were enthusiastic.
An emotional high point was then the assistant song everywhere you could see the comforting children, which was now aware that tomorrow really was all over. Nevertheless, Greenland was an important day for all become - 80 children were located closer in 14 days, have been fighting and tolerated, played, danced, sometimes a little cheated and yet we always enthusiastic helpers. Thank you, that you are traveling with us!
your Diabolus

help, report what must be your paparazzi. The song of the helpers at the closing disco - it is partly on the photo CD on it, in addition to the more than 2,000 photos of our trip around the world, triggered a storm of emotions. The famous song "Without Measure as It Gets" now sends the children after the long journey back home. Unimpeded, the tears flowed not only in small groups! Even the paparazzi had to struggle a bit with it, but there are 2011 a kids-course, or
your paparazzi

travel provisions ... I like the taste of
Sort of funny, the last time here is a report written on the topic: That tastes great! This time we were in Greenland, it was burgers, as in Berlin for lunch and dinner a huge portion of ground meat for those who wanted to. Pretty much meat at one time, were after the barbecue in New York now but our protein reserves replenished. Great, keep it up! The Medpunkt

highlight of the day
highlight of the day was clear today, the grand finale of our "village looking for the brake World Star 2010" had actually deserves all the had come so far. Group 3 was favored a little bit, but then the little Olli broken the hearts of all with his song and the nature of the show, which finally gave the rash, he is now our star and will get the trophy presented. Congratulations!
your helper

Edu Science Reflector Telescope Power

July 2010 diary entry 28th

This day, dear friends, I will not soon forget. Even in the fog not far from York there was the bis (s) in the morning hour, the vampires were on the road again and have tortured again. Obviously, the bestseller by Stephanie Meyer had continued again! 3rd have to part from her, however, see Twilight at home, our trip is approaching the end that is quite surprising. In any case, all the children survived the blood loss well.
Then there was a great pleasure it was to flee to the Central Park decided to York. In the first bus the kids were then immediately After breakfast, go, later following the large groups! Amazingly, even then found himself an exciting water park with a large water slide, a monstrous and dangerous octopus, and many Tobe's pool and a large outdoor area, where everyone could play table tennis, simply could only climb or even played volleyball. Suddenly the whole group occupied the most beautiful place, as were the values measured, it then went into the cool water. Who was the winner of the octopus? Who was doing the best dive? Those who managed to stuke the helpers? It was a giant vortex and the few guests who were out there we were, but very surprised, because what some had to so hang the belly or what devices are there all showed that we were clearly in the majority!
During the lunch break could each a classic New York Hot Dog tinkering, which of course did all of you. In general was the additional sports BE then also made heavy use. After all, then make bathing time! The values tumbled course the only way! Slowly our reserves are running out of juice, even the beloved biscuits you will soon no longer be available. Since then the little ones go back to the first bus had - and the older ones really are great, the grounds were clean, were all who had once again like to to the chute and into the water. It is rumored that the buses will have some already slumbered a little.
larger the more it was the surprise - we were somehow still in Central Park, could not be missing a hearty barbecue. Here the Werner Reimann was a grill master from the object "Pfauenhof" in which we were over 10 years with the KiDS course as guests, appeared to Viola and, like in previous years as Diabolus member already begun over 100 sausages and just as many steaks to grill. To this end, there were salads and, above all, beautiful weather, so that all had at the outdoor stage fun. The Werner was concerned that his cucumbers and the meat and sausages are not all, but since he had misjudged us. So once again, very very big thank you! May have taken some but also a little more quietly, at night, some blood sugar levels but then pretty suspicious. In any case, the whole day was a great party, the kids were thrilled and I am also of course!
your Diabolus

It's something in the brake village mill ... it starts at the very tiny, hardly noticeable - but it is growing every day a little more. Often, it is now impacting on workers, but it has also been some Children noticed ... well, that we could now get away from the camp! A quiet

travel provisions ... I taste the
the breakfast was very tasty today as ever. There was bread, jams, sausage and cheese. In the pool we can enjoy that then our lunch, because swimming makes you hungry. After a busy day, there was a delicious barbecue in the outdoors, beautiful in sunny weather. The large, versatile supper we had the late-piece fly simply because we were so tired.
Thanks for the nice dinner at the nice Mr Reimann!
love from Group 1

highlight of the day
Today was a great day out, for we were in in the island swimming pool Eisenhüttenstadt. The best there, the slide, children and helpers was have slipped. Allen has made a lot of fun. The great octopus in the swimming pool where one could climb even to please everyone. On the way back then but many then slept on the short return trip after all. In the evening, the warden of Kolberg grilled for us. There were: salad, fruit and vegetables, delicious sausages and loads of meat and bread! It was really tasty. There was a great end of the day, then a cozy little Campfire.
Nele, Marie and Mara from group 3