Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2010 Certificate Of Rent Paid Form

Nouveau record suisse catégorie E Copa

La nage avec palme
en suisse est en plein renouveau, le nombre des jeunes en compétition est en Inscrit nice augmentation, et le niveau progress largement. For evidence, records fall. After the girls SLRG Oberwallis is the turn of a swimmer Dolphins Geneva delete a record that was over 5 years. Eva Fincati, aged just 11 years has possession the Swiss record over the distance of 25 m apnea. Coming from a very athletic family, Eva swimming for over 2 years for the Dolphins Geneva. Multiple champion of Switzerland in its class (50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 m), his coach was waiting so she crosses a stage further. This was done Monday, December 10 at the pool in Meyrin Livron with a time of 12 seconds and 3 / 10. Congratulations to Eva, who will change category en 2008, et de shine here will try dès sa première année à face des plus âgées nageuses qu'elle. Nul doute également que les plus jeunes par tous les moyens de tenteront déposséder Eva de son record ...

Finswimming in Switzerland is in full renewal, the number of young people enrolled in the competition is on the increase and the overall level is booming. The record shows the carnage of the last month of 2007. After the girls SLRG Oberwallis, it was the turn of the Dauphins Genève athlete who has deleted a record that dated back more than five years. The eleven Eva Finch in fact won the record Swiss on the distance of 25m apnea. Raised in a family of sportsmen, Eva swims for over two years for the team in Geneva. Pluricampionessa national in its category (50, 100, 200, 400 and 800), has met the expectations of her coach, who was awaiting a further leap in quality. No sooner said than done: Monday, December 10 at the "Piscine du Livron" in Meyrin, with a time of 12 seconds and 3 / 10 has broken the record. Congratulations to Eva, who will change the category in 2008 and will try to shine even in the midst of the greatest athletes. Let no one doubt that the younger swimmers to her, likewise, do not attempt to wrest the record to Eva ...
Grégoire Leconte, Dauphins Genève

Who cares about swimming with flippers, like myself, can only be immensely happy when a young athlete, and no matter for companies that swim, breaking a record. It is a pleasure first to the athlete, which is repaid the sacrifices made in the tank during training, but also because with his performance shows that the sport has a future. For this I congratulate first of all with Eva, who has reached a milestone not easy, and well deserved, but also with all his opponents, without which its results would have an absolutely minimal thickness and that has certainly encouraged to train and improve. Many congratulations also go to his club, the Dauphins Geneva, and in particular coach Greg Leconte, who is "raising" and raising a young team very interesting. I conclude with renewed congratulations to Eve, hope to enjoy for many years of pleasure and teachings from sports, which may result from victories and records, especially the sharing of emotions and sacrifices of small and friendship with teammates and opponents that flows from it!
Chaque fois qu'un jeune

athlete was filled in a record, c'est un signal positif pour tout le movement of swimming with fins. For this reason I am very happy: for the same athlete, who has certainly made sacrifices to get there, but also because, by this provision he / she demonstrates that our sport has a future. I am therefore pleased with Eva, who has achieved something not obvious, although all-in-fact deserved, but with all his opponents, without which the results would have a minor and who certainly pushed to train and improve. My congratulations also go to his club, Dolphins Geneva and especially her coach Greg Leconte, who is about to raise a team Young very interesting. I conclude by reiterating my congratulations to Eva, wishing him a long time to take advantage of learning provided by the sport, which may derive victories and records, but also friendly relations which are created by sharing emotions and small sacrifices with teammates and opponents!

Dimitri Kalas Chi ha avuto

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ellen And Sumo Wrestlers On Show

from Natal - two Swiss record

la fortuna di passare giornata di Domenica the two nella nuova struttura Dicembre che la piscina COPRE del Centro Sportivo di Tenero has momenti che ha assistito fotografano the Essenza dello Sport, in occasione del rally di Nuoto pinnato "Copa da Natal", organizzato Flippers Team from Locarno, during which they have competed most of the best athletes of the specialty, with excellent performance, but many young beginners. This has been observed that athletes, just minutes after winning a national leader, cheered and applauded children 6 / 7 years ready to take their first experience of "competition".

The most impressive results have certainly been won by the two records Swiss Valais Leiggener Sabrina, Nathalie Burri, Clelia Schläpfer and Tanja Lorenz SLRG Oberwallis 4X50NP and 4X100NP in the relay, which flirted with records by More than a year, but resisted respectively from 1996 and 1990.

Sabrina, Nathalie, Clelia and Tanja are all my compliments, Asthe it is a deserved result that has a particular value, Asthe not conquered from a selection, but from a club team: from girls, despite the frustration to previous attempts, also failed a breath during the season, continued to train together and, together, finally managed to achieve what they wanted. If you came to that, a round of applause is certainly also to their coach Ronald Burri!

Trophy "Copa from Natal, for the best team went to Locarno Flippers Team, represented by a strong team, and increasingly more complete (in water has led 30 athletes of all categories, up from 6 to 24 years). They should be credited with playing a great job of promoting swimming flippers, education and training of young people, which is leading sports good results, but not all. In their wake, even the Dauphins Geneva team is bringing more young people in the world of swimming flippers: they need to be highlighted and encouraged, no doubt!
Dimitri Kalas

chanceux Les ayant passé le dimanche 2 décembre dans la nouvelle structure here couvre la piscine du Centre Sportif de Tenero witnessed ont à des moments très bien an ideal représentant du sport. Much of the best athletes in the specialty attended the meeting of Finswimming "Copa da Natal", organized by the club Flippers Team Locarno. But many young beginners were present for the occasion. We saw and athletes, who a few minutes after obtaining a national record, applauded children 6 / 7 years, participating for the first time in their life to a "competition".

The most remarkable results were probably the two records obtained by Swiss Leiggener Sabrina, Nathalie Burri, Clelia Schläpfer and Tanja Lorenz SLRG Oberwallis in relays and 4X50NP 4X100NP. Records that have long rubbed shoulders, but they resisted since 1996 and 1990 respectively.

At Sabrina, Nathalie, Clelia and Tanja congratulations go because it is a deserved result that has a particular value. Il a été obtenu non pas par une sélection, mais par une équipe de club. For girls who have experienced the frustration of failing several attempts in the past (always for tenths of seconds), who nevertheless continued to train together. It is ultimately always together they have achieved these two records. If they arrived there, some credit also returned to their coach Ronald Burri.

The challenge, "Copa da Natal" for the best club, was won by Team Flippers Locarno, with a strong team this large and ever more complete (they have 30 athletes swimming in all categories, from 6 to 24 years ). Ticino club does a great job of promoting Finswimming, education and training of young people, wearing beautiful results, not just athletes. On their wave, Geneva Dolphins team brings more and more young people in the world of swimming with fins. Their commitment is to applaud!


Friday, November 30, 2007

Gloryhole, Fredericton


Who is SUSV sportswoman and sportsman of the year 2007? Chi sarà la
FSSS sportiva e lo sportivo FSSS 2007? Qui sera la
FSSS sportive sportive et le FSSS 2007?

It says the Sports Commission of the FSSS-SUSV present extraordinary 12 candidates that were nominated for the SUSV FSSS-Sport Award.
La Commissione è molto sportiva Onorata Tues presentarvi i 12 Sportivi nominati per lo Sport Award FSSS SUSV.
La Commissione e sportive heureux de vous presenter les 12 sportives sont chi nomine pour le Prix du Sport FSSS SUSV.

you have the choice I Damen und aus 6 6 die Herren und den Sportlerin Sportler des Jahres 2007 zu wählen. Dies tun Sie Sie ein compen E-Mail mit Namen die Ihrer Favoriten year
spoko_susv@hotmail.com senden.
the Avet scelta tra uomini e 6 6 gives da quale nominare Sportiva / o FSSS 2007. Înviat un'email con la Vostra scelta has spoko_susv@hotmail.com .

You can choose between 6 women and 6 homes for the nominating / the Sportswoman of the Year 2007. To participate in the votes should send an email with the two favorite sports has spoko_susv@hotmail.com .

Ihre Wahl muss bis zum 12.31.2007 23:59 Uhr im Postfach angekommen sein. Der Rechtsweg und sonstige Juristereien sind ausgeschlossen. Fairness, & Respekt und das Wort der SUSV SPOKE genügen müssen. :-)
Your choice there must be received by 31.12.2007, at 23:59. It excluded the use of legal action. Fairness, respect and the word of the Sports Commission should be sufficient. :-)

Votre choix entre nous Devra parvenire to 12/31/2007 23:59. Toutes les litiges tribunal etc. sont exclusion. Soit Le Respect, the fairness (mot en francais?), et le mot de la commission sports doivent etre suffisant.

Walberechtigt natürlicher ist jede Person mit einer eindeutig dieser Person zuweisbarer E-Mail Adresse.
Authorized voting is any natural person (not legal) with an e-mail clearly assigned to the same person.

Autorisé voter pour chaque personne physique est (pas personnalité morale) avec une adresse assign a clairement cette personne.

Jolanda Lehr

UWR - SLRG Lucerne

Jolanda teaching has played since 1993 UWR in recent years done a lot for the sport. UWR as managers in the Sports Commission of the SUSV and current President of the Sports Commission, it has established itself as a sports UWR. Even as a player she has come a long way with participation in the European Championship in 1997 with the Women's National Team.

Tanja Lorenz - 1992

Finswimming - SLRG Oberwallis

Young athlete s'ameilleure every year, in 2007 won the best performance of the year in Class C 50AP, 50NP, 100NP, 200NP and 400NP, won the national title in the category of 50AP, 50NP , 100NP 200NP and also by obtaining the third place in absolute 50AP and second in the other three disciplines.

Ellen Reift

UWR - UWR Basel
The 18-year-old

Ellen Aged has only been half a year underwater rugby and is already a supporting member of her local club UWR Bâle and an established member of the Women's National Team. She trains very hard, 4 times a week, in three clubs. Basel, Fribourg and Zurich.

Claudia Rollero

Free Diving - USZ Zurich

Could in 2007, the Swiss records in the disciplines Dynamic with fins (DYN) Tieftauchen konstantem mit Gewicht (CWT) und Free Immerison (FIM) mehrfache verbessern. Ihre aktuellen Schweizerrekorde liegen bei 140m DYN, CWT-50m und 41m-END. Claudia Rollero vertrat SUSV den erfolgreich an den AIDA Weltmeisterschaften 2007.

Clelia Schläpfer - 1990

Finswimming - SLRG Oberwallis

Best time of the year in all the disciplines it took part (50AP, 50NP, 100NP, 200NP, 400V, 400NP, 800NP, 1500NP) Swiss absolute champion and Class B of 50NP, 100NP, 400VS, 400NP, 800NP et 1500NP.

Bettina Wolfer - 1976

Free Diving - USZ Zurich

Could in 2007, the Swiss records in the disciplines of Dynamic without fins (DNF) and deep-diving without fins (CNF) improved two times. Your current Swiss records are at 105m DNF and CNF-35m. Betti Wolfer represented the SUSV at the AIDA World Championships in 2007 and implemented with the 4th WM-Platz in CNF a top result.

Alain Baechler - 1986

Finswimming - Dolphins Geneva

It was the revelation of the year : almost beginner in Finswimming (he had swum a race that before 2007), he had the best time of year on 50NP (below the bar 20 seconds), the Swiss champion 50NP and 100NP, 200NP and second on 100VS.

Rolf Bächli

UWR - USZ Zurich

Rolf Bächli who has played for 30 years adopted the Rugby Sport in Zurich . Rolf was the first concern has to play in Zurich equipment for an underwater rugby game. Instead of a basket of USZ Zurich in 1977 children played ball with a Plasikkasten and even filled.

Nicolas Guerry

Free Diving - Dauphins Genève

Improved in 2007 the Swiss record in static apnea repeatedly. With 7 minutes 34 seconds, he won at this year's AIDA World Championship in Maribor the world title!

Andrea Haldemann - 1995

Finswimming - Flippers Team Locarno

Très young (12 years), best time of year in its category (D) over all distances (25AP, 50NP, 100NP, 200NP, 400NP, 800NP,
1500NP) and Swiss champion class D in the same disciplines. Second place
absolute (cons "big") in the Swiss championships 400NP and 800NP.

Joel Sigrist

Der 19 year old Joel Sigrist playing for 1 year at Tellfins SLRG Nidwalden last month with TSV Malsch is become German Junior Champion.

Free Diving - Dauphins Genève

The Canadian lives and trains in Geneva. In 2007, he managed to realize what was before him, not a free diver. William Winram emerged with just one breath and without fins through the Arch at the Blue Hole in Dahab. Next William won in this year's AIDA World Championships silver medal in CNF.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Foto Lond Dong Silver

Award 2007 25. UWR

On 24 November was the 25th UW-Rugby SM preliminary round in Oerlikon instead.
6 men managed to fight the best possible position for the upcoming second round in May 2008.
USZ one conceded in 5 games only 2 meetings, but could not put the ball 46 times on foes in the basket. Thus secured the USZ 10 points.
S LRG Lucerne 1 and Tellfins NW achieved both 7 points. For stress in the second half should be provided.


first USZ 1: 10 points 2nd
SLRG LU 1: 7 points 3rd
Tellfins NW : 7 points 4th
USZ 2: 4 points 5th
UWR Bâle : 2 points 6th
SLRG LU 2: 0 points

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hat Wer Einen Seriennummer Von Mount And Blade?

Unterwasserrugby SM: 25. Wasserturmcup 07

The year 2007 was a special year for the underwater section of the Rugby SLRG Lucerne. The oldest underwater rugby tournament celebrated 3. November 25 th anniversary. And to this very special anniversary a very special event was planned.
In order to prepare properly for the tournament, traveled most of the teams already on Friday evening. Together they trained for the last time and went to eat afterwards.
found the next day instead of the actual tournament. To kick off two teams played with former underwater rugby players against each other. And so in very traditional manner. Not even the washing up gloves were missing. Just like 25 years ago!
could then engage the elite teams of the action. 10 teams from Italy, Germany and Switzerland battled for the coveted trophy in the form of wooden water tower in Lucerne.
The games were intense, fast, sometimes hard and sometimes less. They were all interesting, and thanks to the 3 underwater cameras, were the varied moves are also being pursued in the audience. At the end of the TC decided
Heilbronn (D) the tournament in a thrilling final against the USZ Zurich for themselves.